Sunday 30 September 2012


After my tutor had a look at my sketch book she said it lacking in some thing 
the feminine touch, due to the biker theme 
so think what to put with my biker theme took me a while to look at 
i need some thing what will go with my original  theme but it a lot different so it can create a edgy new look 
So then i cam up with bohemian (boho) it a lot different to my original theme its flow a lot more unlike the hard strutted look like a biker. 
The soft fabric mixed with the leather i will create a edgy look     

Saturday 22 September 2012


For a design starting point ive create some collages
from his i will get form and shape
In stead of making monster collages i created more like clothing. These work very well.
I chosen the item to collage what i think my customer would like to wear